Case Management

Case Management Program is designed to ensure that all individuals with sickle cell disease have access to the full array of medical, social, educational, and community services that are available in our service area. Case management services are available to help clients and their families cope financially and emotionally with sickle cell disease. Our case manager assists clients with accessing many resources relating to housing, transportation, child care, medication and insurance programs, educational needs, career assistance, and psycho-social issues. The Association also provides financial assistance to help clients purchase the medications and equipment necessary for treatment of the disease.

All students participating in the After-School Tutorial and Summer Enrichment Programs are provided transportation. To schedule transportation, please call the Association at (251) 432-0301 at least 24 hours in advance.
After-School Tutorial Program

The Association offers educational assistance to students with sickle cell disease in grade 1-12. Since students with sickle cell typically experience a high rate of absenteeism due to frequent hospitalizations and other health-related issues, the Association provides certified teachers to help prevent children with sickle cell from falling behind in their academic studies. The tutorial program operates Mondays through Thursdays, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, during the regular academic school year. Enrollment is open throughout the school year, and transportation is provided on a limited basis.
Summer Enrichment Program

The Summer Enrichment Program is open to children with sickle cell disease, and extends the learning process into the summer months. Children participate in day-long educational field trips and activities that supplement their academic learning. Participants take part in art and cultural activities, as well as activities geared toward college and career preparation. Please contact the Association for more information.
Positive Perspectives

Positive Perspectives is a friendly forum designed to provide our clients and their families the opportunity to discuss topics of interest, and to share their experiences coping with sickle cell disease. Meetings are held on a the last Wednesday of each month, and will be supplemented with other activities and gatherings. Please contact the Association for more information.